Monday, May 4, 2009

Number three cultural event: The foreigner

This play I attended with my roommates when it came around to the Townsend Center. The thing that i noticed right when I walked in was the very comical atmosphere. Everyone was laughing and people you don't know you were chilling with, getting to meet them. The play was about a British solider that brings his friends to his other friends house, but his friend, that he brings, doesn't want to speak because he was shy. So the British solider told his other friend that he didn't speak any english, that he was foreign. So once his friend thinks he doesn't speak any english, they start to tell secrets to each other, like stuff they usually wouldn't say around other people. So we, the audience, go throughout the whole play wondering if they will ever found out that he isn't a foreigner....

number two cultural event

This past thursday I attended a cultural event which involved a slew of us playing frisbee on the frisbee field. Also we had a Bar BQ after we were all and tired. I really enjoyed going out and getting a good game of frisbee going with a bunch of my friends. 

(picture is of my friend)

One cultural events..

one cultural event that i attended was at arbor view building c, where I live. We had a bunch of people playing Wii Nintendto games. We all played a tournament, where i actually lost in the first round. Overall met some new people and had a good time. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

art and the human struggle

This picture shows humans struggling for survival. Especially back in the old days humans would struggle to stay healthy and alive. Here you can see that a human has passed away and they are burying him.

movie that is a Work of Art

Apocalypto by director Mel Gibson was a true work of art. Throughout the movie the main character, JAGUR PAW, has to survive from the mayans. Jaguar pawis driven by the power of his love for his wife and son, he makes and adrenaline-soaked, heart-racing escape to rescue them and ultimately save his way of life. 


I consider Krumping a form of art because the people who krump use their bodies as instruments in a way to show expression and emotion simply in the way that they move and dance.  To some krumping may appear violent and aggressive but to me they are showing more than rehearsed dance moves they are expressing themselves.

Having another catharsis

Bob Marley's song One Love represents a goal in my life that everyone searches for throughout their lives.  Granted being young everyone wants to sow their wild oats but ultimately everyone is in search of that "One Love".  The song also represents the happiness we all seek after and the harmony we want in our lives.

free post

This image is a flash back to the years i spent hours of my life being one of those innocent and content kids sitting in front of a tv thrilled to save the princess and defeat Bowser.  Even a simple game in a child's life can bring all the excitement in the world.

fashion as art

In sports you usually do not think of fashion, but there is fashion in sports. From the jerseys on the basketball court to the dress for Serena Williams, to the nike outfits of Tiger Woods on the golf course. And this fashion of the athletes from all kinds of sports is a art even though you might not think it.

art and the human nature

This painting shows the human behavior. It shows the people live in a old fashion culture. Also it shows the people having emotions, values, attitudes. This painting is a great picture of the human behavior.

slideshow of my favorite artworks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

art on youtube 1

This art on youtube is a weeks worth of artwork. These artworks that they show is quite impressive. It is kind of graffiti at first but then starts creating a more bigger artwork.
Thriller is a perfect music video that a true work of art. The dancing in the video is art. With all of the dancers doing the same thing and the whole idea behind the video is art as well.

The Art of This Culture

The art of this culture in Las Vegas is very wild and crazy just like Las Vegas. Las vegas was designed to be a adult playground. The Architecture was built to attract the human eye with lots of lights and crazy colors. Las Vegas is one of the most visited place in the U.S and thats what Las Vegas was built for, it's uptempo, crazy life style.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


The space needle in seattle washington is probably one of my favorite peices of architecture. I've been there only a couple of times and being there is way much better than looking at it from a picture. The reason its my favorite peice of architecture is the way its shaped and its is also in my favorite city.

my photographic eye: PEACEFUL


The side of the brain that i use the most is my right brain well its actually about even. If you would like to figure out which side you use the most check out the link and take the quiz.


uses logic

detail oriented

facts rule

words and language

present and past

math and science

can comprehend



order/pattern perception

knows object name

reality based

forms strategies




uses feeling

"big picture" oriented

imagination rules

symbols and images

present and future

philosophy & religion

can "get it" (i.e. meaning)



spatial perception

knows object function                      

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This piece of graffiti, which is sideways, I found one day while I was walking around campus. I found it on the back of one of our own UWG dumpsters. I really dont know what it says or anything, but I do think that this is a piece of art, folk art. Because most likly a kid around campus just wanted to express he or she feelings. And that is what art is, is placing the elements of art in a way to express how they are feeling in any way.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

my blogroll is on my bloglist

My favorite artist

My favorite artist is a music artist, Lil Wayne.  Lil Wayne was born dwayne michael carter, Jr. and grew up in hollygrove New Oreleans, Louisana. He started off in a group called hot boys and joined cash money records as a teenager. His first solo debut was the block is hot which came out in 1999 and ever since then he has became a major music artist for hip-hop and rap. In 2008 the carter 3 dropped over i millions copies in one week and dropped a million later on in the month. He is single-handedly taking over the hip-hop industry and is my favorite music artist.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

poetry slam

Our Deepest Fear 
by Marianne Williamson 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

Monday, February 9, 2009

my catharsis

This song by Incubus called dig is my catharsis. Latly most of my friends and I have been drifting away and along the road we have been having problems and sometimes arguing because we are changing and the song just helps me get through it and makes me want to talk through our problems and fix things cuz we all have problems and things that dig in us.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The florida Gator diorama was pretty cool. The only thing I wish was Different is if it would have been The Miami Hurricanes instead of the gators. The Gators and the Hurricanes are rivals and Im a pretty big Hurricane fan so I actually dislike the Gators alot. Danilles diorama was very creative and good even though I hate the Gators.